The Philip Pelusi Creative Director Design Team Presents Stardust

elusi recently spotted an extraordinary star-in-the-making at a local retail outlet from which was born, Stardust. The Stardust look was descended by the Gods from the stars and the skies, angelic in both style and color. Powerful, soft, bright, and light.

‘In the sky she shines, with style and grace

Her hair reflects light, a glow on her face

Edgy and bold, yet soft and angelic

A touch of color and style, her story poetic

Hidden by day, by night she sparks bright

Cosmic beauty in space, Stardust delight’ 

er divine creation was a miracle to behold with a precision Philip Pelusi® Volumetric Haircut by Philip himself. Her glowing halo-like hair color accented by Philip Pelusi® Fade de Phy® Vibrant Violet Color Enhancing Conditioner for cool violet tones and Tela Organics bleach-protecting Color Lock. Her flawless, whimsical, soft hair texture styled with Tela Organics Composer, Philip Pelusi® P2 Honey, and Tela Organics Gloss, inspiring shimmery and playful tresses. Her supple, iridescent, moon-kissed face sprung to life with PURE Cosmetics by Philip Pelusi®.

tardust creative concept and vision, photography, hair, and makeup was done by the Philip Pelusi® Creative Director Design Team with Philip Pelusi® P2® & Tela Organic Products, and PURE by Philip Pelusi® Cosmetics.  The Philip Pelusi® International Stardust Creative Director Design Team Members are Philip Pelusi, Jeffrey Reitz, Lisa Krszal, and Sam Canavan.

Volumetric® Haircuts and versatile hair colors and techniques to achieve the Stardust look (and more) are available at all 12 Philip Pelusi® Hair Salons as well as the PURE Cosmetic, P2® Hair Care, and Tela Organics Hair Care lines. Visit

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