A cut-a-thon to raise money and awareness for The Village of Hope Homeless Shelter will be held on Oct 5 from 12pm to 5pm at Tribeca Salon in Aliso Viejo. Salon visitors will enjoy live music, raffles, food, refreshments, balloon diva for the kids and $25 haircuts. All the money raised will go to the Village of Hope.
“Tribeca Destination Salon is participating in this cut-a-thon because we believe that volunteerism and community service are important to the success and growth and well-being of our community,” states Timothy Telles, owner.
Tribecca Salon also has a 4 chair salon at the shelter to service 190 men, women and children. Currently the salon is open only 5 days a month, but Telles hopes to be able to eventually have it available 3 days a week. The shelter salon is currently accepting volunteers and product donations.
For more information on the cut-a-thon, call 949-916-2400 or visit tribecahairsalon.com.
[Image courtesy of Tribeca Salon]