hts, and the color grey, Charlie le Mindu presented his latest fashion collection, Paris Hait Gris!" – "Paris Hates Grey!" during Paris Fashion Week.
In this new collection, Le Mindu presents his very personal impressions of Paris, which he now calls his artistic home again after previously living in both Berlin and London for a few years. The color grey is distinctly Paris, according to Le Mindu, and represents its unique essence and mood like no other color. However, per Le Mindu, the grey of Paris is not the boring, dull, monotonous tone, that many refer to when talking about "grey"; the grey tone is also a color that the Parisians "hate"- hence the inspiration for the name of the collection became "Paris Hait Gris!" – "Paris Hates Grey!". The color grey featured in Le Mindu’s collection is the light, precious, brilliant silver grey that reveals the story of all of the colorful diversity, zest for life and contrasting elements of the pulsating metropolis.
The collection features precious, shimmering silver-grey Hairdreams Hair that Charlie le Mindu used as his main material. Once again the creative artist used hair as his signature material, in order to set a strong contrast to the less spectacular creations of the established fashion scene. The multi-faceted spectrum of his avant-garde creations goes from animalistic fairy tale creatures to feminine silver shining hair dresses and classic elegant hats to a steel wheel chair decorated with hair. Le Mindu showcased the various poetic facettes of Paris from his personal viewpoint and intrepreted it in his unique, unconventional aesthetic – on the one hand inspired by the old Paris of a Place de l’Etoile and on the other hand influenced by futuristic architecture of La Defense.
Apart from the extraordinary aesthetics that exhibits its intricate craftsmanship– for example in the form of innumerable fine, braids which took several hundreds of hours of work, as well as through extraordinary bright, silver shiny hair, which was custom-made by Hairdreams for this collection to reflect the ultimate visions of the designer, Le Mindu, who exclusively works with Hairdreams for his collections.
"Strong, healthy, natural hair in brilliant silver grey are a real rarity," explains Le Mindu. "As a basis to achieve the silver hair, it needs to be extremely healthy, light blond hair, which is not easy to find. This hair then has to be depigmented and color matched very carefully without losing its inherent quality . Hair like this is only offerd by Hairdreams. As with my previous collections, I am very grateful to the Hairdreams experts, who continually surpass my extreme demands when it comes to hair color and quality. Only with the help of Hairdreams can I consistently fulfill my vision of "Haute Coiffure"!"
The presentation of his new collection took place before enthusiastic crowds of international press, fashion and artistic trendsetters with live-performances, video-installations and an exhibition as part of an event in the Art Gallery "Joyce" located in the Palais Royal, the City Palace in the heart of Paris, which also houses the French Ministry of Culture and the State Council of the Republic of France. Before this Paris show, the exhibits were also presented at the 30th anniversary of "Foundation Cartier", one of the most renowned museums worldwide recognized for its contemporary art. For its recent anniversary, the foundation also invited prominent artists to showcase designs.
[Image courtesy of Skyhunt PR]