See her roots? ...Neither do we!
color between services—or even add wild pops of color for special occasions—JKS International Touch Up Color Spray Powder is a transformation in a bottle. It's not a harmful paint, as seen in some other brands—it's truly a spray powder, like the name says.
You saw the after; now check out the before:
good touch-up!
JKS Touch Up Color Spray Powder is available in a wide array of 14 different shades:
Dark Brown, Brown, Light Brown, Chestnut Brown, Copper Red, Blond, Blondest, Blue, Green, Magenta, Violet, Copper, Chrome Silver and Colorless—which is designed for root lift and can also be used as a dry shampoo.
clude refreshing roots in between color services, disguising grays, adding streaks or pops of color for special occasions, or even as temporary allover color. Consider the retail benefits of a product that keeps your client looking her best!
If you cannot brush it out of your hair, it's a paint spray. Paint spray products can clog the hair follicles and scalp. That's not the story with JKS Touch Up, which consists of a spray powder formulation.
We found this amazing demo of the touch-up spray; check it out!
For more info on the product, visit
And for some more stellar before-and-afters, read on!