Detroit-based hair stylist Donna "WinkWink" Flacks was inspired by the neutral tones of winter to create this Snow Queen look. Says Donna, "I came up with this idea for a snow queen because of all the beautiful snow winter brings. I talked with my good friend and wardrobe designer for this shoot, Andrew Martina, and we decided on a neutral tone instead of the typical blue/purple hues. I added Swarovski crystals on the eyelashes, neutral tan eyelids with a little silvery shimmer, and a pinker blush on the cheeks as well as a fawn lipstick.
"Naturally, [the model's] hair is blonde on top and dark brown on the bottom. I slicked her hair back into one high and one low centered ponytails. I purchased 2 platinum blonde kinky hair for braiding and wrapped each one around the ponytails. I used bobby pins and hair pins using a wrapping technique and tucked hair into place. I added hair tinsel and adorned it with jewelry and a pearl looking collar in the back."
The result is a gorgeous, wintery look that emphasizes light, texture and neutrality.
Model: Dakota Bruce
Photographer: Craig Hensley
Wardrobe: Andrew "AJ" Martina
Hair and MUA: Donna "WinkWink" Flacks
Snow Queen by Donna "WinkWink" Flacks
Jan 20th, 2014