For last night's Gotham Awards in New York City, celebrity stylist Ted Gibson gave actress Lupita Nyong'o a polished look that emphasized texture and shine.
Says Gibson, "Lupita - what a pretty name for a pretty girl. I have been working with her for the last several months and cannot get over how each time, even though she has short hair, I am able to create something new with her. Polish, texture and faded is what it is about for her hair.
"I use Tame It shine lotion on her first to create a shine and texture in her hair.
"I heat up two hot towels and apply it to her head after I apply Tame It. The reason I do that is because it seals in the moisture from the product and calms any fly-aways that she might have. I leave that on and proceed to give her a head and shoulder massage.
"Leave the towels on until they cool, then use a brush on the sides to fade her hair follow up with beautiful hold hairspray. Perfection."
[Image: Getty Images]