Hair News: Wax Figure of Lady Gaga Uses Real Hairdreams Hair

y Gaga's own wardrobe is the amazing creation of her alter ego in France. The Musee Grévin is a famous wax museum in the heart of Paris – similar to Madame Tussauds. It accommodates more than 300 replicas of famous personalities from Napoleon to Madonna. The latest highlight of the exhibition is a wax figure of Lady Gaga, wearing an original dress, wig, and accessories of her favorite French designer, Charlie Le Mindu.

The dress itself is the real one Lady Gaga wore for a public appearance in London. What's really special is that both the dress and the headpiece on the mannequin are actually real Hairdreams hair: the same hair that is used typically to make extensions. But creating the tresses for Lady Gaga's wax twin was not as easy as applying the real extensions to a real human head. In fact, the creator of the wax figure had to individually attach 500,000 strands of Hairdreams hair to the look-alike, which took months. The finished product? A beautiful representation of the singer and fashion icon, with not a hair out of place.

[Images: Skyhunt PR/Hairdreams]

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