BEAUTY NEWS: Most Women Choose Gorgeous Skin Over Designer Wardrobe

It’s no secret that women want to look beautiful—and young. According to results from a recently released Syneron Consumer Beauty Insights Survey of over 1,000 women over age 25, 79 percent said that having youthful skin would make them feel more confident than a designer wardrobe. Who knew? When it comes to working it, a glowing complexion and a line-free face equal the X-Factor. Instead of heading to Bloomingdales, march over to your dermatologist.

When it comes to how women feel about their face and body, know this:

• Just 8 percent of women are satisfied with their current appearance.
• Seven out of 10 women say they’re worried about developing tummy bulge.
• Fifty five percent fear a future where their muffin top spills over their skinny jeans.
• Forty two percent of women would be willing to have a surgical cosmetic procedure in the next five years and 63 percent would be open to a non-surgical procedure during this time.
• When it comes to non-surgical procedures, 70 percent of women would want to get their hands on a practice’s before and after photos.
While 93 percent of women find it important to look as good as they can for their age, 86 percent are concerned right now about maintaining their appearance.


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