What are you doing to make your salon "recession-proof"?
If you do nothing to address the recession, you'll find that clients are stretching their visits from monthly to bi-monthly or longer. With an unempoyment rate currently north of 10%, even the most affluent are cutting costs to save in the event of a catastrophe.
What are you doing to attract new clients, the lifeblood of your business?
With the high cost of styling, haircuts and color services, many first-time clients are uneasy about spending $50 or more because they don't know what to expect—they don't understand the value you are providing. Trendy hairstyles attract only fashionistas, who are limited at best. A new hairdo or color is not high on most people's must-have list.
To attact new clients to our salon, we re-introduced our "Introductory Visit" program from the '70s (recalling a much worse recession and the notion that yes, we weathered it). A first visit, for example, including a Stylecut and Studio Styling Kit, is a $60 value for only $25. We're offering a 50% discount on first-time color services. And we are attracting an average of six new clients every week.
To convert these new clients into regular patrons, we WOW them with a "Hair Styling Experience," something more than a hairdo to which they will look forward at our everyday prices.
Tell us what you're doing to make your salon "recession-proof" in the comments section below!
—George Caroll
George Caroll is a working stylist, salon owner, television personality, beauty columnist, entertainment and beauty industry consultant and award-winning beauty product designer.