Demonstrating commitment to the cause of environmental sustainability, Pureology created the “Green Schools, One Cap at a Time” program to support Global Green USA’s Green School Makeover Competition.
Here is what you can expect from Global Green USA's Green School Makeover Competition Presented by Pureology:
- Every time your clients return a Pureology bottle cap, they will donate $1.00 to the Global Green USA’s Green School Makeover Competition Presented by Pureology.
- For every two caps your clients return, they’ll receive 10% off their next retail purchase (if the salon chooses to run this part of the promotion).
- The salon that returns the most caps will win a 1-day, in-salon PureKnowledge class with Ruth Roche, Pureology Colour Care Ambassador and owner of RARE/Pureology Salon in New York City, plus a selection of ColourStylist samples and petites!
- Pureology is providing all the merchandising materials a salon needs to hold the “Greener Schools, One Cap at a Time” promotion, including an easel card to announce the promotion, and a special box to be used to collect clients’ caps. When the box is full, salons simply return it. After Pureology counts the caps and makes the donation to the Green Schools Initiative, the caps will be recycled.
As part of the summer promotion, Pureology will provide salons with an all-inclusive PureProfit kit that will teach how to host a fundraising event. The Global Green USA’s Green School Makeover Competition is designed to create a buzz and boost revenue for salons.
Image: David Hawgood/Wikimedia Commons