Tornadoes, Now Floods - How to Help Your Fellow Salon/Spa Professionals

Tornadoes and floods have hit various parts of the country hard and continue to cause widespread devastation. Lives and livelihoods have been lost. Please help support your fellow beauty professionals by donating to the PBA | NCA Disaster Relief Fund today! For over 50 years, the DRF has helped members of our industry get back on their feet after natural disasters. 100% of your tax deductible donation will help your colleagues in need in more ways than you can possibly imagine.


"The water line was at our front door's deadbolt. Everything was trashed. I had expected things to be wet; I hadn't expected a current to move through the house." - Chrissi Krause, graduate of Paul Mitchell The School, Nashville, TN


Thanks to a grant from PBA | NCA's Disaster Relief Fund and support from family and friends, Chrissi and her husband were able to rebuild after floods devastated their Tennessee home in 2010. To donate AND apply for assistance, please visit or call 800.468.2274. PBA is also offering a one year complimentary individual membership for all those that apply for assistance.

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