Holiday Head Turner

Just in time for the holidays, Macadamia Natural Oil combines their most-loved offerings into one perfect present: The Stylish Canteen Shoulder Bag, a packaged set of four care products designed to work in tandem to transform damaged, dull strands into hair that is glossy, radiant, and alive with health and movement.

The Stylish Canteen Shoulder Bag contains everything she’ll need to deeply repair her hair, including 4.2 ounces of groundbreaking Healing Oil Treatment, 3.3 ounces of Deep Repair Masque, 3.3 ounces of sulfate- and paraben-free Rejuvenating Shampoo and an Oil Infused Comb.

The Canteen Bag is just $49.95 per gift set (a savings of $60)!


[Image courtesy of Joni Rae and Associates]

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