Sepa: The Sacred Tree

Realizing that when opposites attract, interesting and unexpected outcomes emerge, Ruiz approached Sepa using a technique he describes as “freestyle,” where exaggerated volume is achieved by layering texture inside of texture thanks to crimping sections of hair. “What makes this look different,” Ruiz says, “is that you get ‘fuller’ straight hair all the way around the head.”

"I think one of the main successes of the Yawanawa is education," says Beenders. "They teach their kids traditional Yawanawa culture so their community will thrive and grow for centuries to come. Aveda is a culture of education: We arm hairdressers with the tools they need for long-term success in the beauty industry. Aveda is also a culture of social responsibility and environmental conservation. In all cases, it comes down to sustainability—cultural, environmental, business and creative sustainability."

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