Get the Look
Base color formula (R-E): 1 oz. RUSK Deepshine Permanent Cream Color 7.31S + 2 oz.
Deepshine Shine Enhancing 10 VOL Developer
Lowlight formula: 1 oz. Deepshine Permanent Cream Color 6.31S + 2 oz.
Deepshine Shine Enhancing 10 VOL Developer
Highlight formula: 1/2 oz. Deepshine Permanent Cream Color 8.31S + 1/2 oz.
Deepshine Permanent Cream Color TAC Triple Action Clear + 2 oz. Deepshine Shine Enhancing 40 VOL Developer
Step by Step Technique
1. Apply the base color formula to all regrowth areas.
2. Section off a deep triangular section on top of the head to apply accent foils. The narrow point of the triangle should sit on the top crown area of the head, fanning out toward the recession points of the frontal hairline.
3. Take the first slice along the frontal hairline and apply the highlight formula. Take another thin slice just behind the first and again apply the highlight formula.
4. From this point, begin weaving thin sections, alternating the lowlight formula with the highlight formula with each new section. Continue until you complete the triangular section.
5. Pull the base color through all remaining mid-shaft and ends left out of the foils.
6. Process 35 minutes, rinse, shampoo and condition.
[Images: Courtesy of RUSK; Instagram]