A vigilant, involved establishment owner can make all the difference in maintaining health and safety standards in an establishment.
Are tools properly disinfected before use upon a client? Are pedicure cleaning procedures followed and properly logged? Are cosmetic products kept in clean, closed, and labeled containers? These are just a few of the things that establishment owners must be concerned with. While an establishment owner is not required to be licensed as a barber, cosmetologist, esthetician, manicurist, or electrologist, they should be familiar with the Board’s regulations and know how to stay in compliance.
The California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety and Health (better known as Cal/OSHA) also have industry guidance to protect licensees and consumers. Establishment owners should understand the extra precautions that are necessary at this time and ensure licensees adhere to the guidance. Are licensees wearing a face covering over their nose and mouth? Are licensees frequently washing their hands? Are licensees physical distancing to the maximum extent possible?
Work together as a team to ensure everyone’s health and safety are protected. If you see a licensee has cloudy disinfectant solution, remind them to change it. If you see the clean towel cabinet open, close it. If you see the paper towel dispenser is empty, refill it. Everyone in the establishment should do their part to protect themselves and consumers.
Here are some additional resources for establishment owners:
- Most Common Violations Cited During Inspections (Korean) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Self-Inspection Worksheet (Korean) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Illegal Instrument Flyer (Korean) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)