Cosmetology/Branch of Cosmetology- Individuals
Based on the passage of Sub. H.B. 404 signed by Governor DeWine on November 25, 2020, and in response to the ongoing COVID pandemic, all cosmetology, branch of cosmetology, and Independent Contractor licenses issued by the Board have been extended until July 1, 2021. If you have not yet renewed your license, you must do so before July 1, 2021. If you have renewed your license, no further action is required on your part, and your license will remain valid until the expiration date printed on your renewed license. This bill does not, however, change any continuing education requirements for Board licensees. Therefore, individuals holding a cosmetology or branch of cosmetology license who are not exempt are still required to complete their continuing education hours by January 15, 2021. Individuals who have held a license for 30 years or more, are age sixty-five or older, or this is your initial Ohio license remain exempt from the continuing education requirements. You can obtain your CE hours free of charge by visiting the Board’s website at www.cos.ohio.gov.
Boutique Service Registrations
Based on the passage of Sub. H.B. 404, and in response to the ongoing COVID pandemic, all Boutique Service Registrations issued by the Board have been extended until July 1, 2021. If you have not yet renewed your registration, you must do so before July 1, 2021. If you have renewed your registration, no further action is required on your part, and your registration will remain valid until the expiration date printed on your renewed registration. This bill does not, however, change any continuing education requirements. Therefore, individuals holding a Boutique Service Registration who are not exempt are still required to complete their continuing education hours by January 15, 2021. Individuals who are age sixty-five or older or this is your initial registration remain exempt from the continuing education requirements. You can obtain your CE hours free of charge by visiting the Board’s website at www.cos.ohio.gov.
Barber- Individuals
Based on the passage of Sub. H.B. 404, and in response to the ongoing COVID pandemic, all Barber, Barber Teacher, and Assistant Barber Teacher licenses issued by the Board have been extended until July 1, 2021. If you have not yet renewed your license, you must do so before July 1, 2021. If you have renewed your license, no further action is required on your part, and your license will remain valid until the expiration date printed on your renewed license. This also delays the requirement to begin accruing continuing education hours for the next renewal period to a start date of July 2, 2021. Additional information on continuing education classes/hours will be sent out at a later date.
Based on the passage of Sub. H.B. 404, and in response to the ongoing COVID pandemic, all licenses issued by the Board have been extended until July 1, 2021. This includes barbershops, chairs, salons, tanning facilities and schools. If you have not yet renewed your license, you must do so before July 1, 2021. If you have renewed your license, no further action is required on your part, and your license will remain valid until the expiration date printed on your renewed license.