“It’s important to remember that while the Board is responsible for making many of the decisions affecting the beauty industry, those decisions must conform to the statutes passed by the Legislature. In fact, several changes can only be made through legislative action.”
The Board of Barbering and Cosmetology encourages licensees and consumers to stay informed about the Board’s actions and to make their voices heard. Here are some ways to get involved.
- Visit the Board’s Website: www.barbercosmo.ca.gov. There are several fact sheets, bulletins, and other materials related to Board rules and policies. There are also links to past and future Board meetings, complete with minutes, materials, and webcast recordings.
- Attend Board Meetings: Board meetings are typically held once per quarter and are currently conducted virtually. The Board urges the public to attend these meetings whenever possible. There is an opportunity for public comment before every Board vote and there is also a period for public comment for matters that are not on the meeting agenda. Members of the public can bring up matters that are important to them or that they would like to see addressed by the Board. Please be advised that while the Board will listen to your concerns during the public comment periods, it is legally prohibited from discussing issues or taking action if the matter is not listed on the agenda. Board meeting listings can be found at https://www.barbercosmo.ca.gov//about_us/meetings/index.shtml.
- Sign up for the Interested Parties List: The list is updated regularly and used to notify the public about pending regulatory actions, upcoming Board meetings, policy changes and other matters regarding the industry. Sign up for the email list at https://barbercosmo.ca.gov/webapps/subscribe_email.php.
Monitor Legislative Actions: It’s important to remember that while the Board is responsible for making many of the decisions affecting the beauty industry, those decisions must conform to the statutes passed by the Legislature. In fact, several changes can only be made through legislative action. The legislative process offers many opportunities for the public to be heard. You can also visit https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/ for information on bills before the Legislature.