I deeply believe that leadership is a skill everyone can learn, and that leadership is for ALL. Although I am speaking about salon/spa owners today, I do believe in creating organizations and businesses that are built on the idea that we are leaders leading leaders. Leadership is defined as the way we influence and guide. One of the workshops I teach inside of my coaching programs for beauty pros, inside of The Vitality Project and in corporate beauty training and on stages, is the concept of heart-centered leadership. This type of leadership is to be led not only by logic, reason, numbers and the mind. It’s the space in-between where we acknowledge all of those things, but we allow our ability to be flexible, creative, emotionally intelligent, intuitive and driven by love to lead our leadership. Below, Elizabeth Faye discusses five principals of a heart centered leader.
I deeply believe that leadership is a skill everyone can learn, and that leadership is for ALL. Although I am speaking about salon/spa owners today, I do believe in creating organizations and businesses that are built on the idea that we are leaders leading leaders. Leadership is defined as the way we influence and guide. One of the workshops I teach inside of my coaching programs for beauty pros, inside of The Vitality Project and in corporate beauty training and on stages, is the concept of heart-centered leadership. This type of leadership is to be led not only by logic, reason, numbers and the mind. It’s the space in-between where we acknowledge all of those things, but we allow our ability to be flexible, creative, emotionally intelligent, intuitive and driven by love to lead our leadership. Below, Elizabeth Faye discusses five principals of a heart centered leader.
The first step in any form of leadership training is to recognize that before you can lead others, you must be self-led. How do you care for and show up for YOU!? All the principles we use to lead others, we use for ourselves first and foremost. Part of leadership is to embody what you say and ask of others. We create a standard within our beauty schools and salons/spas that we want our students and stylists to follow. It is crucial that we embody that standard. The good news is that you set the standard, and you can create a culture and environment that you feel deeply aligned with. The definition of alignment is when the thinking, acting, being and doing self is all on the same page. As a leader, this is a check in with the values, purpose and mission behind WHY you do what you do. Where to start with your leadership skills? First and foremost, The Vitality Project was created for this purpose — to support leadership in wellness in the culture and curriculum of our schools, salons and spas.
1. Lead with the heart.
Lead first and foremost with the values of the heart and not the mind. Allow for there to be an intersection of the two. Know that when you put the human first, the profit will follow. Values of the heart are flexible, discerning, creative, emotionally intelligent, intuitive and driven by love to lead.
2. Be clear on your purpose, values and mission.
The Vitality Project will guide you through this step-by-step and allow everyone in your business to be a part of this sacred process.
This work gives a north star for alignment and a place to check in and see if you are showing up to the standard you set.
3. Lead as a community and collective.
The age of putting people in power on a pedestal is ending. People want to be guided by an embodied leader. They want to be a part of the conversation, and you want a team that supports in the growth and expansion of the mission.
Allow others to contribute, ideate and support the mission in an aligned way. You don’t have to build our beauty empires alone — Allow your teams to support you, and watch the ease that comes in!
4. Set clear boundaries.
The clearer your boundaries, the more you can serve because boundaries create a standard of how people can love you and your business better.
People-pleasing and overextending is NOT leadership. You are in service to the mission and so is the team. Together, you can collaborate and support each other, but there must be clear boundaries on how you play together and how you don’t.
5. Self care and wellness must be a key part of your personal and professional life.
Set a standard of wellness for the team that you have a culture of service, purpose and also play and rest. This is this ebb and flow. When your team is well, they perform well.
Business wellness begins with human wellness. This is why at The Vitality Project we say “human vitality is business vitality." We know your profitability and sustainability are directly related to the wellness of all.
This may look different for everyone, but providing education, connection and resources for work and personal life harmony is KEY to sustainability profitability.
A brighter future for all.
I am so excited for the future of our industry and how many people are stepping into leadership.
We invite you to apply to become a Vitality Project salon/spa or school today.
You will see results. It’s time for a brighter future for all.