“Bottom line…when challenged with recruiting or finding ways to motivate your staff, check your ego at the door and tune into what people are about and what makes them tick.”
I’m in a constant state of recruitment…even during the pandemic. I recruit in order to establish potential professional relationships prior to when we are able to reopen and if/when we need more staff. It’s an ever-evolving world, as this last year has surely shown us. Perhaps now, when we all may have a bit more downtime, it’s a good thing to ramp up the networking. Business (and life really) is about building relationships. Just like you might choose to advertise or “recruit” new clients, you should actively promote, seek out and even advertise for new staff. This should be an ongoing practice. One new relationship can lead to ten more very quickly. There’s always someone just around the corner who might be a good fit and well suited to join your team.
Many salon owners or managers are shy about recruiting, and don’t really know how to start the process. If it’s an urgent spot you need to fill, create a detailed job description (there are many samples online) and advertise on beauty professional online sites, and business professional sites such as Beauty Cast Network, LinkedIn, Ladders, Indeed and Monster.com. In addition to this, try the even more fool proof strategy of recruitment called “word of mouth.” Reach out to your salon owner, stylist/colorist and even everyday friends to let them know that you are looking to hire additional staff. A good referral is worth its weight in gold. It’s always better to hire someone that has a positive history and professional referral vs. someone fresh off the street. Once you meet and interview a candidate, trust your gut. If the person has a great track record, a good referral and a good energy, you’ll feel better about making a decision to hire them. On the flip side, if you get a negative vibe (even from a referred candidate), trust your gut as well and keep looking.
Once you have solved all of your staffing needs, you may wonder how to keep the team productive and inspired? I say, be firm…but with a smile. Be open, but have boundaries. Reward the team when they’ve done a good job. Recognize and appreciate their good work – especially their artistic work! A compliment goes a long way – so put your ego aside – get humble – and be sweet, kind and encouraging to your staff. Especially when people are returning to work after the pandemic, be especially sensitive to your staff’s needs, both workwise and emotionally. You never know exactly how the pandemic has affected your staff and many may have experienced especially challenging times with loved ones. Try involving your staff, as feels appropriate, in team building activities that can help develop relationships and strengthen bonds. Events like education will keep your staff motivated in their work. Offer to pay for a portion of their travel expenses, if
education involves travel. Work with your accountant and determine what you can budget and write off for tax purposes. Pay close attention to what motivates your staff, and have conversations about what inspires and lights them up. Help your team grow their business – this will tie them to you and make them want to stay with you longer.
Bottom line…when challenged with recruiting or finding ways to motivate your staff, check your ego at the door and tune into what people are about and what makes them tick. Get talking with potential recruits and with your current team, and find ways to connect with them. It will create a stronger team as well as a positive and fun work environment. Yes, it’s a bit of work, but well worth it in the long run.
Stay positive…and good luck in 2021!
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