“The best way to sell product is not to hard sell, but rather to use informative language that educates clients on what will help them to achieve a desired result for their hair.”
In these uncertain times of a worldwide pandemic it can be a daunting task to just stay afloat let alone think of ways to add additional revenue to your salon’s bottom line.
Implementing a few of these ideas, however, may actually be the difference between simply staying afloat, and actually having a bit of cash in your bank account at the end of each month.
Take a little time to digest these ideas and see what’s realistic in terms of adopting a couple of these add-on revenue strategies.
- Perform a mini-consultation right when your client arrives.
Prior to starting your service, take just a couple minutes to confirm the service your client is receiving that day and let them know about any additional services you offer that
may make their visit even more enjoyable (scalp massage?) or beneficial for their hair (deep conditioning treatment?). Your client is there to pamper themselves, and they are more likely to spend more money in this mindset than they would be otherwise.
- Offer product recommendations while
performing specific services.
The best way to sell product is not to hard sell, but rather to use informative language that educates clients on what will help them to achieve a desired result for their hair. For example, if you are performing a blow-out and use a leave-in conditioner to comb thru freshly washed hair, mention that the leave-in will make it much easier to comb through the hair which will help to prevent breakage and damage. If you use a volumizing product prior to a blow-out, mention the benefits and end-result that this product will help you (and them) achieve. If you are using a deep-conditioner, remind your client that this will help to maintain the strength and health of the hair.
- Use email, text message and social media marketing to remain top of mind to your clients. This is the 21st century! You should be using the latest in technology to keep your salon and your services top of mind to both your clients and potential clients. There are endless YouTube videos on how to use technology and
social media marketing to attract and maintain clients. Take a bit of time to watch these videos and to test out a few different techniques. The Instagram story feature is becoming more and more popular, and allows you to speak directly to your clients and invite them into your life in a more personal way. Take advantage of these inexpensive marketing tools!
- Start a client referral program.
Begin a loyalty program that rewards existing clients with a free cut or color or product when they refer a new client to you. This is a very small investment in your future business and will encourage your clients to spread the word about your business.
- Always re-book clients for their next visit before they leave the salon.
Your client has just received an amazing cut/color/style from you. They are happy and in a good mood. This is the perfect time to get out your calendar and book their next visit. They are most likely ready and willing, as they are happy with their service and wanting to continue receiving a service that makes them feel this good. Take advantage! Your future self will thank you by way of a full calendar.
Uncertain times often create panic and insecurity. Remember that you are in the driver’s seat and the fate of
your business is in your hands. Take the initiative and put forth the effort to initiate add-on revenue strategies that will help to secure the future of your business.
Here’s to a fresh start and a fruitful 2021!
Marco Pelusi is a globally recognized haircolor authority, stylist, colorist, educator, product developer, and owner of Marco Pelusi Hair Studio in West Hollywood. For information on Marco’s educational offerings and Marco Collagen Color Guard HairCare, email
[email protected] and go to marcopelusi.com.