By J Ladner
In a world that is forever adapting and evolving, it’s so important that you have clear intentions to live a more focused, happy existence. Self-awareness is one of the most powerful tools you can have to get everything you want out of your life. Here, I’ll share the ten ways I slay all day, every day—and how you can slay your life, too.
1. Embrace Self Love
It always starts with you. You have the ability to change the world for the better, but you have to believe it. Own your truth and accept your flaws—this mentality really helps build your character.
2. Know Your Worth
Set up your life and business “rules of engagement.” When you have a strong foundation in what you stand for and believe in, it’s easier to know your worth. This puts value to your credibility.
3. Find Your Passion
Plan your focus, build your context and share your message. Hone in on what makes you excited about getting up each day, the techniques that you love creating, and the guests who are your ideal clients.
4. Educate Yourself
This can come from inspiration you see around your world or classes you’ve been putting on hold. Education builds confidence and credibility within ourselves and for our guests.
5. Be Relentless
The momentum starts with you! Set your goals, create a life “road map” to help you focus, and deliver results. Even if it’s one task at a time, you’ll be on your way to creating the life you seek.
6. Be Nice
Lead your life with love and embrace people for their differences. The moment we meet fellow humans on their level, the more we understand and can embrace the fact that we are more alike than we are different. You have to lead with love in your world, and then the world will follow.
7. Give Back
It’s the right thing to do. If you have been in the industry for awhile, it’s time to set up the next generation and help your community.
8. Grow with Your Community
We can all learn and grow from each other. Plus, there is always power in numbers, and having the accountability of others will help you stay focused while being open to change.
9. Live Your Truth
Authenticity is the way. Show people who you truly are, not the person you think others want you to be. The moment you lean into your magic, the more opportunity will arise. This is power that only you can give the world. You are pure magic; never forget that.
10. Don’t Stop
You’ve got this! Remember to show up for you, speak up for what you want out of life, and spread love and light.