Many people have invested a lot of money in getting their hair exactly how they want it, and they're still unsure when they'll next be able to see their stylist. What should stylists be communicating to their clients about home maintenance tips? Would that message change for blondes vs. brunettes or redheads?
It honestly is my client’s choice if they decide to box color their hair or not. I advise against it, but if they are feeling that insecure I would rather them feel good. They just better remember me when this is over so I can work with them to get their hair back to their ideal tone. Otherwise, the advice I give the most is to shampoo less. Dry shampoo is going to become your best friend during a time like this. When showering and not washing your hair, I advise using a shower cap. This will keep your hair away from warm water and steam. Both warm water and steam will open your hair cuticle resulting in color fade. When you do have to shampoo, shampoo with cool water. Also, ensure you are using a color safe, sulfate-free shampoo. You want something gentle on your hair cuticle so that it does not disrupt or rinse out the pigments.
What are your top tips for making vibrant color last?
Similar to the above. Shampoo less and stay out of the sun as much as possible. When your client does have to shampoo, remind them to shampoo with cool water and ensure they are using a color safe care system. This is a great way to sell your client product you may have on hand or product you may still have available for curbside pickup. If your client needs to refresh their tone, provide them with a pigmented conditioner like #MyRefresh or create them a custom color bomb you can sell to maintain their vibrancy and tone until you can see them again.
For graying clients, is there any advice you can offer them during the inevitable “grombre” phase? Are there ways to reduce the appearance of gray hair without reaching for box dye?
The safest and quickest way they can disguise gray hair is to find an eyeshadow or pigmented spray you can sell to your clients to use after shampooing to disguise your grays without having them reach for box dye. The best thing is having your clients reach out for advice. From there, you can provide them with the best tools they can have at home to still feel beautiful—and if at all possible sell them the products to help yourself out too!
If a client DOES color their hair at home, how can stylists best mitigate the damage when they do eventually come back into the salon?
Remember to set realistic expectations with your client. To minimize the damage, make a plan with your client on the progress you will make during each appointment to get them to the their ideal color and tone. By setting up a plan, you can minimize how much stress the hair goes through during each appointment.
Would you support the idea of stylists walking clients through at-home coloring via FaceTime or Skype and charging them for this service as a temporary stop-gap to not only fix hair color but also generate revenue?
I love the idea! I love my clients! I have a close relationship with all my clients so if I can make them feel beautiful and a little more normal while still making some money, I think it is a great idea. I wouldn’t give away all my secrets though!
Our Natural Ice gray coverage is longer lasting than some others I have used. It doesn’t create a band when giving root touch-ups either. I also love that our Natural Ice series is on the cooler side so as my clients’ hair transitions it will stay cooler longer. I love the Shadow Ash and Wicked Shadow Series for this reason also. They are extremely cool ash tones that combat brass for longer.
How does styling affect hair color longevity? Are there any products you recommend to help promote long-lasting color?
Heat styling is one of the worst things for your hair color—even blow-drying! You need to ensure you are using the right products to protect your hair cuticle so that your color is not affected while heat styling. I would definitely recommend using a heat protectant like #MyDefender. If you aren’t heat styling, but still looking for ways to protect your hair, I always recommend #MyDirtySide Dry Shampoo to all my clients. Shampooing less will always keep your color looking fresh for longer.
Are there ways that clients can style their hair at home that will hide regrowth? Which products would you recommend to help style?
I love braids and there are so many fun ways to do them! Give yourself a fun crown braid or even a textured French braid. If you pull the braid apart you can easily disguise those gray areas. For areas around your hairline, I advise to use eyeshadow or colored spray to quickly hide what you don’t want seen.
You moved to Los Angeles in 2010 when we were still deep in the throes of the Great Recession. Many young stylists now find themselves in a similar situation in terms of uncertainty and money insecurity. What were some of the ways you were able to establish yourself and gain clientele during this time? What advice would you offer stylists on how they can bounce back once the virus is over?
Make sure your clients are rebooking their appointments for a later date and make sure your clients are being honest with you about their hair journey during this time at home. This allows you to have enough time with each client and book additional appointments, if needed. If your client, isn’t ready to book just yet due to the uncertainty, keep checking in with them as the circumstances continue to change. Most people are going to want to feel a sense of normalcy once this over and getting their hair will definitely be on the list. Don’t give up!