“If your salon is on Pinterest and not verified as a business with a red check mark, you are not reaping the full benefits of the outlet,” says Patrick McIvor, Artistic & TechniCulture Director for Goldwell and KMS California and Techni-Color Director of ARROJO. “You have to sign up to be a business account in order to take advantage of the analytics.”
Business accounts on Pinterest are awarded analytics to give insight into their audience and reach. Each week, businesses receive an email from analytics that shows how many people Repined from their boards. There is also a link in the email directing users to even more in-depth analytics, showing how many Repins were received, which Pins were the most active, how many Pins came from the company’s website and the total number of monthly viewers. Extremely valuable information to help plan future content that maximizes exposure and drives business.
“I love seeing my average daily impressions and views, monthly views and how many people I engaged, as well as daily impressions and views… it helps me figure out what my audience is receptive to,” adds McIvor.
Another important point is to be consistent with Pinning, because every time Pins are added, followers get fresh Pins in their home feeds, which increases the reach of the original Pin.
“I am a huge advocate of social media, but it’s not enough to just sign up for an account and post random content, the people who are successful utilizing social media to grow their businesses are the ones that analyze their activity and use that information to strategize,” concludes McIvor.