L'Oréal-Owned ModiFace Announces a New CEO

Jeff Houghton has been appointed CEO of Toronto-based AR firm ModfiFace, owned by L'Oréal since 2018.
Jeff Houghton has been appointed CEO of Toronto-based AR firm ModfiFace, owned by L'Oréal since 2018.
Retrieved from ModiFace press release

Jeff Houghton has been appointed CEO of Toronto-based AR firm ModfiFace, owned by L'Oréal since 2018.

The current CEO and founder, Parham Aarabi, has decided to focus on a personal area of research interest and is stepping down from his current role. 

Houghton joined ModiFace in 2016, and has been its chief operating officer since 2019. In his current role, he manages the day-to-day operations of the company in various functions. 

"I am extremely excited to take on the challenge of leading ModiFace as our new chief executive officer," Houghton said. "We've built a diverse team of researchers, scientists and engineers by taking advantage of the talent Canada has to offer. ModiFace has spent more than a decade exploring cutting-edge technology to bring beauty experiences to consumers. I want to ensure that in this next chapter, ModiFace can focus not only on continuing to scale our existing solutions, but also bring new innovation to L'Oréal. I am looking forward to expanding our collaborations with L'Oréal experts around the world to ensure our technology is setting the bar for the future of beauty tech."

Houghton began his new role on October 1, 2022.

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