The Lash Love Affair Begins...

Confession: I've never had my lashes done! Or I hadn't ever, up until a couple of weeks ago.

I always thought my lashes were pretty decent, especially with the help of mascara. But being in the beauty industry, or at least writing about the beauty industry, imbues one with the desire to push the envelope. My lashes were OK—fairly dark, medium length and I had a lot of 'em—but it always bothered me that they didn't have a curl, or even hold a curl.

One fateful afternoon, I took a trip to the Beauty Collection in gorgeous Calabasas, California. The store began offering lash extensions approximately three months ago, in late 2013, so it was a brand spanking new addition to the menu—and I was ready to take the plunge. I was introduced to Brianne, the resident lash goddess. Brianne has set up shop at the store, with a secluded and relaxing room designated specifically for lash services. The mood music really provides a serene ambience, and the bed (on which I was to lay for about 1.5-2 hours) was surprisingly cozy. I made myself comfy, and we were off and running.

Before the service, this is what we had to work with:

ly, so she helped supplement that feline flick with her design. My lashes were long, luscious, and—best of all—they looked like my natural lashes! I didn't want anyone to approach me and say, "I love your lashes; where did you get them?" I wanted, "Wow, you have such long lashes."

My first experience with lash extensions will certainly not be my last! I have a sneaking feeling that we have a lash addiction on our hands... and you can bet I'll be a repeat customer.

Check out The Beauty Collection on Yelp! Brianne is lovely, charming and oh-so skilled! In addition, the store carries an amazing selection of products from top beauty brands. A must-see!

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