The Logics of Branding

What is your brand? Can you easily answer that question, or are you still scratching your head? (Don't worry; I just had to write my own bio, and I was scratching my head for a full day!)

I recently attended Logics Art Deco 2010 education event, and I watched as NAHA winner and Logics artistic director Chrystofer Benson explained the importance of branding oneself. "We create our culture around us. We are what we surround ourselves with," he said. "Branding: Think in the big picture. Your salon: What does it look like to clients? How does it feel?"

Logics platfrom stylist Steve Waldman added, "Every guest experience must be the experience we brand for ourselves."

Do you follow this branding creed? If you don't, Logics platform stylist Lenny Strand offered this advice: "I treat myself as a client 10 paces outside of the salon door. When I walk in the door, I notice how the receptionist acts. Is she friendly? What about the salon floor? Is it clean?"

Branding becomes so important because of the desensitization of our society. What am I talking about? You know what I am talking about. You are glued to your smart phone, hopped up on texting, tied to your iPad, keyed in to your ATM machine. Now, more than ever, your brand is important because clients come to you to form a personal connection—a connection our teched-up world is losing. Said Waldman, "Our business is about building relationships and a rapport with our clients. As we become more automatied as a society, more people come to us for interaction. But who are we? We need to figure it out. We need to know who we are behind the chair and what our salon is."

So what is your brand? Are you still scratching your head? Don't scratch for too long!

Check out this video from the event of Chystofer Benson showing the audience how to implement the Logics Art Deco trends into your salon!

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