5 Tips to Sell CBD Retail Products

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Sending clients home with a skin or wellness regimen is essential to the success of your business, as well as clients’ overall results. Retailing adds value to the services you perform, increases client retention and loyalty, and saves clients time by giving them ways to take care of themselves at home.

With CBD remaining a popular spa and skin care staple, it’s only natural that it be included in take-home regimens, especially if the clients are initially visiting the spa for CBD-infused services. But this ingredient is different from other retail items in a number of ways, meaning that you may need to adjust your sales approach. When it comes to retailing CBD products, there are five main considerations to keep in mind.

1.  Be Educated and Confident

At this point, we all know that CBD can be beneficial for plenty of skin and health conditions. However, if you don’t understand the ins and outs of CBD, you’ll quickly lose credibility.

Take all of the education classes offered by the CBD product company with which you partner. It’s also important to train every employee, including front desk staff, on how to speak about CBD so that they, too, are confident and prepared. Being knowledgeable about why this ingredient is being incorporated into each step—from cleansing to masks and finishing products—will be helpful when suggesting at- home options.

For example, clients might not understand why they need CBD in a cleanser that they will wash off their face. Teaching them how this process will stimulate the endocannabinoid system, allowing for further penetration of leave-on products, will help sell them on this very important step of their treatment regimen.

Many spa-goers enjoy learning about and understanding how complimentary ingredients work with CBD to increase the benefits and results. Most have heard of peptides, hyaluronic acid, fruit extracts and so forth; being able to explain how the CBD molecule works with each of these already proven ingredients sets you apart from other therapists and brings a sense of comfort and confidence to the end user.

Continue Reading our Digital Magazine for the other four tips...

Shauna Blanch, LMT, LE, is the COO, co-owner and cofounder of Color Up, a Colorado-based CBD skin care company. Blanch is also a certified reiki master and yoga teacher. Alongside her team, she works from the Color Up Wellness Center in Denver, a community space that provides spa and wellness services, educational opportunities, a social lounge and local artist gallery.

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