There are many benefits to being a JCPenney Salon stylist. Highly experienced stylists can take advantage of up to 70-percent commission, no booth rental fees, up to $1,000 bonus based on performance, and flexible scheduling. JCPenney stylists also enjoy perks such as paid professional training, health benefits for full-time stylists, paid time off, 401(k) eligibility, and a generous associate discount.
Alyssa Ventura
• We receive education on two new trends twice a year and there’s always core education available. If you’re a little rusty on a technique, you can take a class and brush up—I witness new stylists in classes, as well as experienced stylists.
• JCPenney Salon supports your independence with lots of flexibility. You can get back in the salon environment and earn up to 70-percent commission with health benefits and a 401(k).
• JCPenney creates an environment where you can give back. Every year we go to Hope Lodge, where warriors can stay with their families while fighting cancer. We do their hair and nails—it’s touching and beautiful.
Aneesha Nichols
• I belong at JCPenney Salon because we’re family. So many people here are rooting for you to move up and grow in this company.
• I have worked hard for what I’ve achieved, but JCPenney recognizes my talent and has always been willing to support me with new opportunities. Here, anyone can start at any level and go as high as she wants to go.
• I’m able to charge $75 for my haircuts, which my clients happily pay. At this company, everyone earns what they’re worth.
Jessica Pacyga
• JCPenney provides the education you need to constantly improve. Every single class I’ve taken has helped me, whether it’s learning about working smarter or mastering a trend like balayage or foilayage.
• We have a Facebook network for the entire company where we can post questions anytime. It’s a huge incredible network that’s there for me any time I need it!
• I was happy at my former salon, but something was missing. Now I feel fulfilled professionally and personally. The people who work here are the best.
See more information on how to join the JCPenney Salon team at jobs.jcp.com and follow the brand @salonbyinstyle.
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