Get the Look: Flower Power by Trish Legere

Hairstylist and owner of Trish's Hair Design in Fenelon Falls, Ontario Trish Legere recently created a romantic, nature-inspired hair look. Soft braids complement whimsical "roses" for an up-do style that is downright stunning. Below, Legere shares how she created the look:

Says Legere, "I used red, blonde and brown colored hair extensions and made hair roses. [For] each flower, I used a straightener to iron each section of hair, sprayed hair and used bobby pins to hold in place. I crimped the entire head of hair on the model and braided her band, then added the hair roses by bobby-pinning them in.

"The photographer, Crystal Whitehead, and I made the costume the model is wearing by glueing artificial flowers to a dress. The makeup artist Kaylie Smith did a very simple look to add to the models beauty."

[Photo credit: Crystal Whitehead]

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