Beauty Business: 3 Steps for Salon Owners to Review Their Brand

Although salon owners may not realize it, they, personally, have a brand and in order to be successful in this industry they must constantly check in to see what their brand is projecting/saying to their clients. Every shortcoming behind the chair is a reflection on the salon and, consequently, the salon owners as well. Many salon owners neglect doing a brand review of their salon because they are busy running day-to-day operations or even because they are scared to find out the answer. However, Joanne Magana, Chief Educator for the Eufora Salon Owner Network, hit these issues head-on during the latest quarter of meetings with salon owners around the country. Here are the three steps she shared to help salon owners conduct a brand review of their company.

1. Review your Image - How do you look to others? How are you portrayed? How do you “show up?" This is a good time to take a look at whether or not you have been participating in community events or conducting salon events. The activities you participate in will help others form an opinion about the salon’s image. Both your team and your clients will be watching you as a leader.

2. Evaluate How you Speak - How is your story expressed? Teach your team how to speak to guests, encourage referrals, etc. Hold a staff meeting to explain the importance of brand image and work with your team to define the story of your brand so they understand why they must conduct themselves in certain ways.

3. Get Active - Now it’s time to get going. Contribute! Get engaged in community events, offer your services to women’s shelters to do makeovers or any other ideas you think of that will help improve and align with your brand image. All your actions of the salon should lead back to this image you want to portray. Decide what matters most and prioritize your time to do those things. Don’t forget to delegate. And remember, when doing so, base your decision on talent rather than convenience, specify what you want and clearly communicate it, establish a realistic timeframe, and be available to provide input and help the person problem solve.

[Image courtesy of West PR]

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