Beauty Industry News: New Hires at SureTint Technologies Include Irvin Brown and Russ Felker

Michael Wright, CEO of SureTint Technologies, recently announced the hire of Irvin Brown, Vice President of Operations, and Russ Felker, Director of R&D.

Sales Director Solutions Architecture and Executive Director Services Delivery, and Alcatel-Lucent (Bell Labs) where he held leadership positions in Solutions Product Marketing. Brown earned an MBA from the University of Michigan and a Master's of Science from University of Southern California. Brown will oversees all areas of operations.

Improvement throughout the efficient use of technology. Felker's past positions include Chief Technology Officer, Dir. of Support and Chief Operating Officer. He has over two decades experience working in software support related fields.

"With the vast number of years experience and expertise both men possess, I anticipate they will be wonderful attributes to the SureTint team and be valuable contributors to our future growth and success," commented Michael Wright. "We are very pleased to have them [as] part of our expanding team."

[Images courtesy of Exit One Solutions]

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