Burning Leaf by Jennifer Correale

Last season, hairstylist Jennifer Correale of Di Rosa Haircare in New York helped an adventurous art major student achieve a gorgeous, rich hair color inspired by the changing colors of Autumn. Correale used a specific technique to create the effect of a burning leaf, and it was as magical as the season itself.

Prior History: The guest had a prior ombré and was very unhappy with it, so when she went to Di Rosa Haircare she was ready for an extreme change to bring her hair back to life.

Get the Look: Burning Leaf
Step 1: Apply Goldwell Topchic 40ml 20vol 40ml 5K at root only

Step 2: Working in 4 sections of the head, Correale teased small diagonal back sections from front to back in order to melt ombré together. Each section was back-combed and then weaved with a micro-weave so it would be diffused rather than dramatic. The top/crown hair was painted using a board and cotton to specifically pick out hair strands to pop/accent, also using Goldwell Silk Lift and 30vol.

Step 3: Correale ran the base color through hair that was left out of the foil through to the ends (Goldwell Topchic 5K 20vol).

Step 4: She then rinsed and followed with Goldwell Colorance Core Lotion 80ml Lotion 20ml 7KG 20ml 8K for 20 minutes.

“Showing guests images of colors you are confident about creating sets you up for success,” says Patrick McIvor, Artistic & TechniCulture Director for Goldwell and KMS California and social media mentor, who recommends creating Pinterest inspiration boards for clients to browse.

[Image courtesy of Glow Communications]

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