Why is it important that waxing technicians are licensed aestheticians with a current license? Because, when hot wax is being applied to tender skin, clients want a pro! Owner of Boom Boom Brow Bar in NYC, Boom Boom, provides some simple tips to help you create a pleasant, painless experience for your guests:
To avoid unnecessary burns or skin removal, make sure your salon uses cream-based wax. Most cream-based waxes, like Boom Boom Flash Wax, can be kept at a lower temperature to avoid accidents.
Always sanitize skin before performing a service to prevent infection. In addition, an antibacterial ointment should be applied after the service in order to seal the open area with antibiotics. Waxing pulls hair out from the root leaving the follicle open, so sanitization is vital!
EVERY time a stick is dipped into wax, it should be a clean, new stick, otherwise there is a chance that bacteria can spread. As Boom Booms says, no double dippin’!
Anti-aging and anti-acne products compromise the integrity of skin and should not be waxed. Be sure to ask your client if he or she uses any of these types of products and, if so, opt for tweezing rather than waxing.
While these tips help reduce the chance of a burn or infection, they can still happen. Be sure to do everything you can to alleviate the situation for your client - advise your guest to keep the area clean and apply bacitracin ointment for up to three days.
[Image: Thinkstock]
License and Registration, Please: Boom Boom's Brow Tips
May 12th, 2014