Simply Smooth has been growing internationally and their latest expansion has taken the company to Ukraine and Russia. Doreen Guarneri, co-creator of the line and global artistic director, returned to the US after spending nearly a month between two separate visits to the region, along with James Hobart, Sr. VP of Sales and Megan Aden, an international Simply Smooth Educator. Doreen was there to work with the distributors and their educational force in getting them completely acquainted with the line.
Doreen's first stop was Kharkov, where there were several intimate training venues for salon educators and distributor sales consultants. She also did a private showing for about 100 stylists in Kiev, Ukraine’s capital. At the convention center, which was attended by several thousand visitors, the booth was modest in size, but the amount of traffic that flowed through was unbelievable. Simply Smooth is distributed in the Ukraine through UA Global Enterprise, owned by Peter and Tanya Sarkissian.
Next stop was Moscow! During October 23 – 29, 2011, Doreen and crew launched Simply Smooth throughout Russia with their distributor, Ornell, LLC, owned by Dimitry Kononenko. Simply Smooth drew amazing crowds at the Intercharm Show in Moscow over the course of three days where nearly 50,000 came through! Doreen and her team were thrilled at the success and attention to Simply Smooth and were also so impressed with the fashionable, beautiful, tall blonde women in Russia. “Many of the women go very, very light blonde, platinum,” said Doreen.“They need keratin in a big way!”
[Image courtesy of American Culture Hair]
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