WATCH: KARG's K-Curve Royale shears with real-time how-to demo!

Managing editor Alyson Osterman-Kerr talks with Mike Karg of KARG, Inc. about his newest innovation in shears -- the K-Curve Royale -- with a real-time how-to demo!  Plus, hair stylist Jerome shows off KARG's K-Wide Royale, an amazing sliding shear!

The K-Curve Royale is a 6.75-inch shear with a curved shape allowing a simple tilt of the hand to create a strong fringe. No matter how you were trained to cut, the ring's design -- both on the same level -- allows you to flip the shears around to cut right, left, short to long or vice versa.

The K-Wide Royale is a sliding shear that pushes while it cuts. Perfect for point cutting, this shear is designed not to cut a straight line.  While fringe cuts around the face have been popular for the last few years, Jerome uses the K-Wide Royale to create more fringe in the back of the head -- as well as texture underneath -- to give the top more body!

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