Hairstyles How To: HisIsHers by Sam Villa

Inspiration: The NEW short—androgynous, under layered short cuts with polish.  Think classic 1930s male silhouettes with shorter sides and longer tops, as seen on HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. Current examples include Ginnifer Goodwin, Charlize Theron, Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway.
·      Soft under layer cut with a rectangular shape on top cut to overlap.

HOT TIP: “I typically approach cutting a short under layer cut with a razor because it allows me to create a more pliable edge, which gives nice structure and soft movement, but the integrity of fine lifted hair (as seen in image above) can be compromised with a razor, so I recommend using a blending shear for high lift, fine haired blondes,” says Villa.
·      Apply Redken iron shape 11 (to protect, lock in thermal styling and preserve color) and directionally blow dry hair back with a Sam Villa Signature Series Styling Brush to create volume in the front.
·      Finish with Redken control addict 28 high-control hairspray.

Sam Villa – Hair
Geneva Cowen - Art Direction/Color
Hair Assistants: George Garcia, Andrew Carruthers, Tina Calzaretta and Mary Urban
Shalem Mathew – Photographer, Mitch Kitter/Assistant
Paula J. Dahlberg – Makeup
Pascal Sauvageau and Jeremie Cote – Fashion Stylists

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