Beauty News: Dermalogica Launches New U.S. Website

Dermalogica announces the launch of a new and improved for the U.S. market, developed to bring the brand’s hallmarks of education and professional skin care consultation within a mouse-click.

The new site emphasizes Dermalogica’s diagnostic and prescriptive skin analysis techniques as the basis for retail purchases. The brand’s “tribal” community continues to raise the bar in terms of demand for product knowledge and at-home protocols, requiring a constant re-tooling of the 25-year old brand’s web presence.

Key features include visual education about common skin conditions through video demonstrations and animations, and access to scientific articles written by Dermalogica’s team of experts. The site’s new store-locator feature introduces new customers encountering Dermalogica for the first time to the brand’s core experiences: Face Mapping, treatments and prescriptive product sampling.

Shopping will also be made easier with an advanced product directory which filters and sorts selections for more effective purchasing, as well as customer support through live chat, wish-lists and smart site-search. The site also offers full social media integration for easy posting of Facebook “likes”, Pinterest and other social media sharing, updated product ratings, reviews and interactive Q&A areas, and a streamlined, secure, two-step checkout process. In addition, a decentralized fulfillment system now utilizes two warehouses to fill and ship orders based on zip code, so that customers receive their products even faster.

[Image courtesy of Dermalogica]

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