Use the Ice Cream hair care line for emergency reconstruction, keratin treatment, UV protection and more!

Managing Editor Alyson Kerr talks with National Beauty Group CEO Jim Fisher about the Ice Cream line of hair products.

Use Shecare as a "911" emergency reconstruction system for extremely damaged hair.  It includes a reconstructor shampoo that opens the cuticle of the hair, a choice of three conditioning treatments that also may be combined, and a reconstructor spray that seals the cuticle, rescuing the hair!

Keratin builds hair by pushing microkeratin molecules deep into the hair. It includes a reconstructing shampoo, a restructuring mask, a conditioning spray and velvet keratin cream. Keratin may be applied to damp or dry hair and can be retailed for home use.

Apply Argan-Age with its combo of argan, jojoba and sunflower oils for UV protection to develop and preserve shiny and brilliant hair!

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