NIC is seeking visionary thinkers with proven leadership capabilities. In addition, we are interested in candidates who have the capacity to cultivate relationships with multiple and diverse stakeholders, understanding of organizational change and development, and willingness to serve in a team environment.
The NIC Executive Board elections will be held at our Annual Conference in Louisville, Kentucky on October 2-4, 2021.
The management of NIC is exercised by an Executive Board composed of all officers. The president is the Chairman of the Executive Board. The officers of NIC consist of a president, immediate past president, first vice president, second vice president, secretary/treasurer, four regional directors and two executive directors, all of whom, except the immediate past president, is elected by the general membership during the annual conference.
Only Active members in good standing are eligible to be elected to an office, except that the executive directors elected as members of the Executive Board shall be Associate members. Any member of the Executive Board whose membership on their state board is terminated will be allowed to complete their elected term of office.
Roles and Responsibilities of NIC Board Members:
Serving on the National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) Executive Board requires strong leadership and commitment to the mission and vision of the organization. In addition, serving on a board of directors is a major commitment that should not be undertaken lightly.
The Executive Board responsibilities include fiscal oversight, strategic planning and personnel actions. Individuals appointed to the Executive Board meet regularly to review budgets, operations, strategic plans and personnel matters.
Advice and guidance is given to the organization’s management team.
Board Positions are as follows:
• Senior officer of the Council
• Presides at all regular and special meetings of the Council and Executive Board
• Responsible to the Executive Board for the daily operation of the business of the Council
• Knowledgeable in parliamentary procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order
• Available to all members on a daily basis for consultation
• Guides and provides direction to the Executive Director
• Leads the development of the Strategic Business Plan
•Fiscal oversight of the NIC budget and authorization of expenditures
• Contract authorization
• Oversight of the national testing program examination development company and test administration vendors/states
• Public speaking engagements on a national and international basis
• In the absence of the President, shall be vested with the full powers, duties and obligations of the office of the President
• Serves as a member of the National Examinations Committee
• Serves as National Chair of the Aurie J. Gosnell Scholarship Committee
• Knowledgeable in parliamentary procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order
• Ability to conduct business meetings of the Council in the President’s absence
• At the request of the President, shall represent the Council at such meetings as may be necessary
• Serves as a member of the National Examinations Committee
• Knowledgeable in parliamentary procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order
• Ability to conduct business meetings of the Council upon request of the President
• Performs duties assigned by the President or the Executive Board
• Consults and advises the Comptroller of the Council’s fiscal policies
• Serves as internal auditor for the Council with duties and responsibilities that the Executive Board shall prescribe
• Knowledgeable of basic financial reporting and accounting principles
• Serve as Chairman of the Budget Committee and serve as a member of the Bylaws Committee
• Presents an annual operating budget to the Executive Board for approval before the end of each fiscal year. The budget shall include an analysis of the budget proposal and projected expenses for all cost centers
• Serve as members of the Executive Board and shall be responsible to all members of their region for dissemination of information and help as needed and requested
If you are interested in applying to be on the NIC Executive Board and want to read about the complete process, please click on the following link: https://files.constantcontact.com/c4d20a30801/d005d695-3564-4e00-839e-a0feccc3c037.pdf