Olaplex ambassador and celebrity stylist Chad Kenyon sources angelic art as inspiration for his favorite tattoo.
My ink marks two very different periods of my life. I had the outside of my right arm and shoulder done while living in Madrid, Spain, during the end of my “partying years.” The only aspect I like about that section of tattoos is the depiction of my English bulldog, Charlie, peeking out at me.
The piece of ink that I truly love and cherish is on the inside of my upper right arm. In 2008 I moved from Madrid to Los Angeles to begin my life anew. I worked on myself spiritually, emotionally and physically. Peace of mind and freedom became running themes (and realities) in my new life, and I felt the growing urge to express this new mentality with fresh body art. I loved a painting I had seen that portrayed two angels embracing each other with their strikingly beautiful wings expanded; it exuded a sense of tranquility and serenity. My friend Jesse, a tattoo artist, offered to render this painting on my skin, and I’m thrilled to carry
a depiction of this painting (and feeling!) with me, always.
–As told to Alyson Osterman-Kerr