Sam Villa Guest Blog: A Fresh Perspective on Fall Inspiration


Aaaahhh, the fall is finally here. The air is cooling down, the plants and trees are taking on their new color palette, and the pace of life seems to calm for a moment before the holidays kick into high gear. The inspiration of this time of year is obvious to the colorist’s eye, but what about cutting and finishing? The truth is, any stylist that tunes into a broader awareness of the world will find inspiration beyond what is immediately apparent.

You know we at Sam Villa LOVE to approach things differently, so we’re always looking for inspiration on how to do that, and Andrew Carruthers, Director of Education, has a special knack for it…

Andrew: “A great haircut is not just a visual undertaking, it’s also a statement of personality and lifestyle. Try refreshing your consultation with a question like, “As we move into fall, what is changing about your lifestyle?” Maybe it's as simple as their children are back in school and Mom finally has some time to invest in styling her hair rather than putting it up in yet another ponytail. Another great question is, “How is your wardrobe changing with this new season?” I bet the comfy cable knit sweater is coming out of storage and collars are getting higher to keep the brisk fall wind off the neck. Your wheels are probably already starting to churn with fresh inspiration coming to the surface… all you have to do is ask.

“Fall is also an incredible time to get outside and take a deep breath, literally and figuratively. Go for a walk and smell the changing air, feel the coolness on your skin, listen for the crackle of fallen leaves under your feet and allow your eyes to take in the shapes, colors and dimensions that only nature can create. Flora and fauna is starting to wind down and go to sleep for the winter — take in what you can and store it to get you through the winter.

“Inspiration isn't always a specific idea — it's a sensation, a feeling that we get. Stepping outside the normal routine and opening up the senses can spawn creativity that lays dormant due to the daily grind. For finishing and up-styling, I always have a long hair mannequin at the ready, so when that creativity starts to flow, I have the medium at my fingertips to play and develop something fresh.”

See what I mean? Andrew has a special way of looking at things that always inspires me. So remember my friends, fall is an incredible season, but it’s also fleeting, so you must be very present to appreciate it. It’s a time to say goodbye to the familiar and hello to the very many transformations that breed creativity. Allow this uplifting time of year to do just that for you, your craft and your guests in the salon by being open to change and connecting with a different palette of inspiration for both shape and color.  

Aspire for More!

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