Beauty News: Enter the NovaLash Video and Photo Contest

Are you an expert at applying lash extensions, or know someone in your salon who is? NovaLash is giving those with that special skill set a chance to win either $10,000 or $5000 in awesome prizes for demonstrating what they've got!

To enter the $10,000 Lash Artist of the Year category, submit a 1-3 minute or yourself applying NovaLash eyelashes using the proper NovaLash technique. To try for the $5000 prize Fan's Choice, send in "before" and after" photos of your best work. Check out for all the details and to enter.

The contest isn't until November 1st, and is open the whole month until November 31st, so if you've been contemplating becoming licensed for NovaLash, now is the time! NovaLash has the only physician-developed training program that uses the best medical-grade adhesives, and has been applauded for its great education system. If you want to take part in it, see

[Courtesy of NovaLash]

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