Would you like to learn more about growing a bridal business?

Bridal stylist putting flowers in a bride's hair.
Take this quick poll to let Beauty Launchpad know if you are interested in learning how to grow your bridal business.
Courtesy of alexkoral via Adobe Stock

Beauty Launchpad is hard at work on our March/April eco-chic issue, which puts a spotlight on styling and sustainability. When it comes to styling, bridal pros are often the best of the best for providing knowledge, advice, tutorials and more. However, the bridal side of the industry sometimes gets neglected, leaving many stylist who want to enter that side of the industry struggling to find proper education, community, etc.

We want to address that gap by providing bridal pros with knowledge and advice on how to grow their business; however, we also want to know if this knowledge is something our readers are interested in! Let us know by taking this quick poll. Cast your vote below (or head to our Instagram stories @beautylaunchpad). Stay tuned for the results next week.

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