My Skin BuddyContact[email protected]http://www.myskinbuddy.comPhone:844-697-5461Products & Press ReleasesHomeMy Skin Buddy's Bee Bright Serum Uses Patented Honey Bee Defensin to Stimulate Collagen ProductionBee Bright also contains EGF, fermented sea kelp and powerful antioxidants to hydrate, brighten and even skin tone.HomeUpgrade Your Back Bar, and Your Wallet By Offering MYSKINBUDDY at Your SpaMYSKINBUDDY: a multi-functional and multi-benefit LED light therapy facial device for both professional use and for retail at-home maintenance, that is guaranteed to increase revenue and profitability in your spa.HomeMy Skin Buddy’s 4 in 1 Facial DeviceMy Skin Buddy features ultrasonic vibration, ion care, LED light therapy and thermal heat therapy to deeply cleanse, exfoliate and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.Articles & NewsHomeDon’t Let Size Fool You. Experience the Power of MYSKINBUDDY™MYSKINBUDDY™ is a revolutionary multi-function, multi-benefit spa necessity made for professionals and consumers.